Clothing & Extracurricular Activities
Reimbursement Program


School Clothing & Extracurricular Activities Reimbursement (SCECARP) applications are now available via the links provided below.


Any Shawnee citizen enrolled in a state certified Head Start or Pre-K through 12th grade educational institution or program qualifies for this benefit. The citizen’s family income, location, or dual citizenship status are not used to determine eligibility for this benefit.

Program Overview:

Through its School Clothing and Extra Curricular Activities Reimbursement Program (SCECARP), the Shawnee Tribe provides funds to assist with reimbursable expenses incurred in the purchase of clothing, shoes, and required extracurricular items for tribal citizens who are enrolled in a state certified Head Start or Pre-K through 12th grade educational institution or program. The Education and Social Services Department can also provide a Direct Purchase option for families unable to prepurchase school clothing and shoes for reimbursement. This program is tribally funded and administered through the Education and Social Services Department.

Program Benefit:

Through SCECARP, the Education and Social Services department of the Shawnee Tribe will provide reimbursement up to $600 per child annually.

Required Documents
& How to Apply:

Applications are processed in the order they are received. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Complete applications include the following:

  • Complete Application Signed and Submitted by the Student’s Parent or Legal Guardian
  • Copy of the Student’s Shawnee Tribe Citizenship Card
  • Completed Stamped and Signed Enrollment Verification
  • Proof of Custody or Guardianship for Applicants Who Are Not the Student’s Birth Parent
  • Original Receipts Demonstrating Qualifying Purchases on Behalf of the Student
Application Packet

The Education and Social Services Director makes the determination as to the amount of the awarded benefit based on qualifying expenses and the availability of program funds.

Please note, a complete application is required each term for each child (twice annually). A complete application is also needed for each child annually to be considered for extracurricular assistance. The Direct Purchase option cannot be utilized for extracurricular expenses. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applications and required documentation may be submitted via email, mail, or in person at Shawnee Tribe Headquarters. Please contact the Education and Social Services Department at or (918) 542-2441, x129 for more information.


Education & Social Services Specialist

Contact me for assistance with:

Higher Education Awards, PK-12 School Clothing and Extracurricular Activities Reimbursement Program, Burial Assistance